Thursday, March 6, 2014

MeKong Delta / Saigon

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It took us three hours up river to find our port. We docked at 11 AM.  We are in the middle of no where,  a 45 minute bus ride to the center of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).  As always, I find myself up on the top deck, camera in hand, taking photos of life around me as we head to port. Although the water and landscapes are not in the best of conditions, I try find beauty wherever I go.

Hard living here. Fishing boats galore ...... rice fields..... people eking out a living.

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Because we skipped over Bangkok, we ended up being in Saigon for four nights. Two would have been enough, but no one asked me. Did I mention HOW HOT IT IS HERE??????? We spent time on the ship, we ventured out to experience life on the Mekong Delta, I took a cooking class and we went to the city twice on the shuttle. I got my nails done, mani and pedi ... $14 total. Amazing. The cooking class was a tour. It was just OK.  The fun part was going to the market first to 'pretend' to buy the food we were going to cook. They didn't fool me. I know the hotel had the groceries delivered earlier that day and this was just show.... Fun, yes, but don't try to fool this girl. I was so ON to them.

We made spring rolls and fried them up. The menu for our lunch was all weird sea food so since I preplanned where I would sit for lunch, next to the exit, I hit the elevator as soon as it seemed appropriate to do so, and went out on the city on my own. Only once did I ask directions. I did well, I might add.  It was a fun adventure. Nothing to buy, but my plan was just to observe, explore and take it in.  City life, Saigon.......

Crossing any street was nerve wracking. I usually waited for locals and sided up with them and crossed as they did, when I could. With millions of mopeds, cars, etc on the streets you go to a crosswalk and just step off the curb.  Then you keep moving at a steady pace. You never hesitate and you never run. You never look them in the eye. You expect the world to know you are crossing. You expect to make it to the other side. Well, I am still here. It worked. Nervous? Yes.

Our tour of the Mekong Delta began with our luxurious private boat #11. David had a hard time navigating the steep step down into the boat. The captain, moved the boat a few times, jockeying with other boats to get in a position we both could sort of feel comfortable with. It was tough getting into these bouncing little guys. David got in first, what a guy. I wanted to chicken out but bucked up and just willed myself to go for it. This is not the kind of water you want to accidentally fall into.

The boat was made of wood, Oh, about 100 years ago I think. The paint was peeling. The rickety chairs were bolted down. The motor chugged happily until it didn't. Then we just waited a bit for it to cool down before starting her up again. I had a peanut butter sandwich from the ship we both shared. How fun!  A New Adventure! Woo Hoo! THE MEKONG DELTA! Who ever would have thought I
would be here..... Amazing.


 Many people still live along the river.


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This last one is for KEN ... :) I guess it is a guy thing internationally?  Ken, do you happen to know anything about this?


 Fishing is big here. Fishing and tourism.


David loved this tour- the peaceful river setting, people fishing, rice barges floating by, the smell of coconuts in the air, the lazy life of the river .....


As #11 pulled up to the restaurant pier, we were greeted by the lovely hostess:


Our guide explained all the dishes. Vegetables, she said! Yummmm.

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Eating a fried Elephant Fish! Mmmmmmmmm ....... P1000145

It looked like the table next to us really enjoyed it. :) Oh, you thought I tried it? Surely you jest.

For lunch we were served chicken soup, those pancakes with vegetables, summer rolls with shrimp, pork and vegetables, fried rice, steamed shrimp, fried spring rolls with pork and shrimp, and a pork dish (not sure) with a brown egg.... I had a can of their local 333 beer. For desert we had pineapple, a rice flour coconut something, and a mung bean? something - Meghan would be helpful here. Coconut was in both deserts. Desert here was not my cup of tea but I sportingly tried it.

After lunch David loved the gentle rocking of #11 all the way back to the pier:


As far as the ADVENTURE scale goes .... David and I would give it a 10!
Maybe next tour we will tone it down a bit.

My market adventure in Saigon, then off to make spring rolls. I may open a new business when I get

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Perfect spring rolls.
After four nights we were ready to leave, it was just a tad too long here.  Next Adventure? Cambodia!

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