Monday, January 27, 2014

A New Day


 3,000 miles to Guam.

 A new day begins.... and this is what it looks like today. Grey and overcast ..... whitecaps one walks a straight line. Last night we hit a rogue wave. The ship lurched up, and slammed down with a huge bang. David talked about rogue waves and tsunami waves and what could topple this ship. All reassuring I say with sarcasm. David says the sea is UGLY. I actually like when I wake up and the day is heavy and overcast. I love the rain. Somehow it gives me permission to lay low. We lost a day. 

We skipped Monday, Ian's Birthday, and headed right into Tuesday :) by crossing the International Dateline. So does this mean Ian was NOT a year older? I think so. I can not believe the Captain chose this day to skip. Sorry, Ian. Happy Birthday.

I actually stayed up to participate in the LU WOW Deck Party. My favorite, besides the blown up palm trees around the deck, was the little seven year old fire dancer. I love watching the dancers and the way they move. I love that the young ones keep an interest in preserving their culture.



 For fun yesterday, I braved taking the bathroom scale out of the drawer in the bathroom. I know there is a reason they hide it in there. I have been feeling guilty eating three meals a day on some days.... even eating deserts with dinner....and wine? Oh geez..... not my norm on a daily basis but when they come around each day and ask, red or white? I don't want to hurt the wine steward's feelings so I make a choice. When I got on the scale the numbers and lines were so small from where I stood it was hard to see. I got the gist of the where the lines matched up... not bad! Then it went up 7 pounds and down down 7 pounds, up 5, down 6. I watched patiently for a few seconds then gave up. Maybe this is a good thing? Why put a scale on a ship?, I ask. No one REALLY wants to know. I put it back where I found it, closed the drawer.... making the decision I must weigh the same as the day I got on the ship. All is good. :)

Computer class really had me frustrated yesterday. I wanted to take my toys and go home. I got lost and never recovered. Most of the class learned how to send photos through Airdrop. We are on Chapter 1 ..... this does not feel good. Next class is chapter 2 .. Oi.

Last night was formal, again. We ate at Prego. We both had beef capriccio, my favorite. I had the Caprese Salad and tried their special pasta dish. David had lasagna. Afterwards there was another meet and greet the Captain party. Most on the ship turned up for the 'free drink' when all drinks are free anyway :). I guess everyone shows up for a party. Dancing on board is popular. We turned the clocks back an hour again.

We remain impressed with the speakers Crystal hires. General Anthony C Zinni talked about World Affairs, comparing WWII to contemporary conflicts. He was spot on and up to date. Spoke without notes. He has been in the military for 39 years, two tours of Vietnam. His list of accomplishments far surpasses what I can do justice to here. Another speaker I really like onboard now is Clint Van Zandt, he is a former FBI profiler and hostage negotiator. His talk was on what motivates serial killers. He also talks about recent mysteries like Natalie Holloway, Jon Bennet, and Amanda Knox to name a few. You know, we all deep down love gossip and sit on the edge of our seats wanting to know what he knows or thinks so we could feel these crimes are solved and we become in the know.

Pilates at 10! Going for the burn :) . Oh Man, FREEZING COLD in the States! Chicago is closing schools again?  Stay Warm.  Stay Safe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    It sounds like you and David are settling into life on board easily once again.
    I will look forward to iPad tips when you get home!
    Fun to follow your travels,
