Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The First Three Days

It was a whirlwind three days starting with the Gala at the Beverly Wilshire and ending three days later sitting on my bed in the cabin taking time to catch my breath. I definitely do NOT feel rested, rather I find I need to learn to balance Crystal activities with quality quiet time. The World Cruise offers jam-packed activities along with excellent guest lecturers. We are finding we want to do it all... :) The Gala was held At the Beverly Wilshire on Friday night. After we dressed to the nines in our finest, we passed our new favorite restaurant Cut and I wistfully said to myself, We should make a detour and just eat here. In hindsight, I was right. We were disappointed in the Gala and the food. Even though Kobe Steak was on the menu, it arrived lukewarm and nothing special. It was tender, cool, and you just chewed forever. There was an orchestra that played music so people could dance. That's it. Next year they are doing it on the boat which should be better. Next year, which we also signed up for is sold out. It is the 25th Anniversary of Crystal so we are guessing they will pull out all stops. The cruise stays south going to ALL of my favorite places including Machu Picchu and Easter Island so we only need to bring warm weather clothes. It begins and ends in Miami which is once to. After Breakfast at the Beverly Wilshire The Blvd, we checked out. Crystal covered our breakfast for two days which was about $100 per day. Ouch, right? Everyone was escorted in private limos to the ship. It was fun to see so many cars lined up as couples entered their own car and headed to the ship. P1060320 P1060321 It was a half hour ride. P1060335 We had a red carpet to walk on and lines of greeters as well as security to pass through before we checked in for our 89 day cruise. Our cabin was ready for us. The ship has had a recent remodel and is beautiful. Our cabin is bright, warm and beautiful. It is called Penthouse, cabin 10057, midship, near the center elevators. We have a Queen bed, end tables, a couch, chair, one TV, a walk in closet, and a bathroom with a tub, twin sinks and a separate shower. It is smaller then we are used to being in, 403 square feet with verandah. There are two categories above us and ten below us. The smallest is a deluxe stateroom measuring 226 sq feet. P1060341 P1060349 P1060337 All of our suitcases arrived and I sweated getting everything in and unpacked. Packing and unpacking are the curses of any cruise. They say the butler will unpack for you but that is not within my comfort level. The suitcases we shipped were encased in heavy plastic bags needing scissors to undo. Plastic overtook our room for a short time there... IMG 1767 All together I unpacked 7 bags, lugged Davids on the bed so he could unpack first. I have to leave the room when he unpacks then I come back when he is done and I unpack. We have quite a few empty drawers left and plenty room in the closet for more which surprised me. We substituted their wood hangers for wire ones. The bathroom design takes a ton of storage too. Nice big shower. As David unpacked I checked out our assigned 6PM, first seating, dining table. We lucked out. We are mid ship, on the rotunda,(middle) against a rail, table for two. We can see the whole dining room, have space between tables, and no clatter of dishes at a service unit next to us. No need to hit up the Dining Captain to change our table. The ship is cozy and has a warm feeling about it. I will like it here! :) Our first night was casual dining, (I chose a salad and stuffed chicken) the second was formal, (Lobster) and the third night we did Speciality dining at Prego, (Beef Carpaccio, buffala and tomatoes, veal limone)an Italian restaurant on our third night. David had a huge fall while unpacking, hit his head and teeth on the marble vanity, and made his back worse as well as his knees so we are avoiding places he may have difficulty with mobility wise. Lunch has been in the dining room and we have not yet checked out the Lido, Tastes, or Scoops for ice cream. Food has been good. Drinks are complimentary. People are not as 'fancy' as I expected' more dressed down then up which makes me happy. There are a LOT of people who know each other from previous cruises so that can make one feel a bit like an outsider so far. P1060351 P1060352 P1060361 P1060363 After dinner was the Welcome party and the balloon drop where we all gathered around the lobby, listened to music, danced, and met a majority of the crew. A champaign toast for all. Now this one was fun..:) P1060389 I started pilates and signed up for a college level All Apple computer class which lasts the whole cruise. We will learn about the iPad, iPhone and Apple... If I pass 7 of the 8 courses I will get half off the computer minutes we paid for. They are charging $1,640 for 267 hours which amounts to 3 hours a day for 89 days. I better pass!! David is in the chorus and on a trivia team. I went to two art classes and memoir writing. We attended some well done lectures, and shows at night. There are 3 speakers a day. I don't have time to take the Japanese class, knitting class, bridge, digital filmmaking yoga, movies, or dance classes. I find it frustrating to figure out my schedule and all we have signed up for. It is mass paperwork of slips and invitations. We go to a lot of things and miss a lot..... My goal today if to be one with the sea find my own patterns and what works for me to balance it all. :) Today is a perfect day ... sun is out...not too hot....not cold ......calm sea. I have my first Apple class today at 2:30. We meet every sea day during the World Cruise and we already have a class field trip in Honolulu.....to the APPLE STORE!! :) I sign off now where this day began....at the Cove, coffee and planning for my day while the sea is my inspiration...... What shall I do? What shall I do? P1060442

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