Friday, February 26, 2016

**Komodo Island


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We are here, AGAIN!

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OK, last time we were here David and I decided not to get off the ship to see some lizards. It was so very hot that day we cancelled the ships tour. Long story short, I regretted not making that effort way back when.

This time, I bought a ticket....determined to see these fascinating lizards.... Wait, to see THE KOMODO DRAGON!!

Then I cancelled this time too. Too HOT!!!! The tour is 2 1/2 hours of walking in the blazing sun! HUMIDITY is through the roof!

Then I overthought it some more..... if I can get on the first tour before all the heat in the world comes down onto Komodo Island, I will step up to the plate and go. Lo and behold, a spot opened on the first tender at 9AM and a ticket for one appeared on my door. Fate.

Today. Destiny. The Komodo Dragon and I will meet...


Tour morning came and our tours were delayed by 90 minutes waiting for customs to give us an all clear. My tour headed out at 10:30. You could only get on a tender if you had a ships tour. They were very tough on this point and asked people to show the ticket before you could leave the ship. I think it is a money making ploy by Indonesia....

But, OK.

I was on the first tender. And, yes it was hot and humid.
We formed a group of 30 with two rangers and a big stick.





and off into the wild we went. We were told to stay on the path, be quiet, walk slowly and keep with the guides. Their "stick" and knowledge will protect us. We walked for about 40 minutes and came upon our first sighting, a watering hole where 6 Komodo Dragons were laying around, sunning?....


No, I think they were resting after a big meal. They are carnivores (and their young). They eat pig, deer, water buffalos and humans. We were told they are well fed before tourists arrive..... We were also told to move slowly and do not swing your arms or a purse near them as they will think it is meat.


Interesting facts:
Komodo Dragons weigh up to 300 pounds.
They measure up to 11 feet long, averaging 8 feet.
They can run as fast as a dog, 11 mph.
They eat 80% of their body weight in one feeding (kind of like us cruisers).
The Komodo Dragon is the heaviest lizard on earth.
He has 60 shark like serrated teeth. His strong jaw can bite a goat in half.
He can swim and climb trees.... yikes.
He is believed to have lived during the Jurassic Age.
He is an Endangered Species.
Females can lay up to 30 eggs at one time.
Hatchlings are 15" log and live in trees for the first year.
The Komodo Dragon can have a virgin birth. The female can fertilize her own eggs if no male is present.

The Komodo Dragon does not need to actually kill their prey. They have toxic saliva. They can kill prey with their drool. Their saliva contains 50 strains of bacteria. If the bitten animal survives the attack, the prey will likely die within 24 hours from blood poisoning.

Good thing we were protected by a big wooden stick the guide carried, right?

I was happy I went on the tour. These giant, bow-legged, tongue-flicking creatures are one of a kind. I am happy I survived the tour and the day and a Komodo Dragon did not decide to come at me for carrying an orange purse. You get one of these bad boys mad at you there is no escape. They can run fast, climb trees, swim .... Their tail can knock you down and then there's the jaws and that saliva .....
Been there, done that... and next time were are here I will stay on the ship quite contently.

Bali is next!

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