Sunday, January 10, 2016

**Colorful Cartagena


Cartagena, Colombia

I really wanted to see Colombia so I took another tour. They caution cruisers in Colombia to take a tour, stay with the group. Our tour guide once again talked about how far Colombia has come and I do believe him. I was not sure I believed him about there no longer being a drug problem, or cartels are a thing of the past, or being safe from being kidnapped and held for ransom, framed by police for a bribe, or pick pocketed. Police were everywhere during our short excursion. Maybe it’s just me being overly sensitive. Our guide encouraged us all to come back and buy a home.


One of the signs on our tour bus..... I liked Cartagena on my mini tour. No, I am not likely to buy a home there. I took a tour of the city by foot and a boat ride to see the old 17th century fortresses of the city. The boat ride was interesting...:) I say with a smile. I still do not know how we fit all 50 people on this little boat that seemed to sink a little bit further into the sea as the last few passengers found seats by having everyone squish in. We all donned life vests, orange ones. The tour guides talked endlessly about Cartagena. The boat's engines were turned off so we all could hear the endless prattle. Other speed boats with tourists roared past us to see the outer forts as we bobbed up and down and rocked back and forth absorbing their wake in the blazing hot sun with no breeze for comfort. You know me..... Come on, get to our destination before the forts disappear into the ocean.

17th century fort......

  P1050562 church at fort....


a lone dancer taking a rest....


Children danced for us, which was lovely. It was hot and humid with no break from the sun. Kids in canoes came up to our boat asking for money. Tapping us on the shoulder if our back was turned….or climbing onto the boats edge until a guide shooed them off and they then dove into the water.


These kids definitely were not shy....

We ventured into Old Town for a bit. Thought of buying cigars for the family but worried I could not get them back to the US. The streets of El Centro reminded me of Old San Juan. There were narrow cobblestone streets with two story houses on each side and many of the balconies had flowers. Venders were everywhere wanting to sell us necklaces, hats, and coconuts, the usual. If you take a photo of a local, be prepared to pay them…





Loved my short visit. Happy to see it. Loved what I saw and wondered even more what I didn't see.

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