Friday, January 15, 2016

**San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

San Juan del Sur


Our ship at anchor off San Juan del Sol. San Juan del Sur is a sleepy little fishing village. In 2002, this town celebrated its 150th anniversary. Maybe Caelan can figure out how old it is now?? No tour here for me, rather I chose to just walk around this lovely little town. I was a bit leery walking by myself so I just walked with another couple until I felt safer. I walked through construction on a little dirt road which led to town. Once we passed all the taxi's, people hawking wooden birds and the fish market the town itself was lovely.

Staying close to other cruisers as I walked into town...

Little whistle birds sold everywhere.


Open for lunch!
Lovely colors on all the wooden buildings really dresses it up... :) Lots of young tourists here staying in hostels. Felt like I was back in the 70'S.... VW's with surf boards, hippie types, back packs. Very inexpensive here. There was a little street market, a few shops, dancers performing by the beach and a lovely sidewalk surrounding the water. I loved sitting on a bench watching families swim with their children in the crescent-shaped bay, watching a monkey dance on a street light and watching dancers perform on the sidewalk for tourists. Peaceful. Restful. Lovely.

Not sure how to upload my little videos of my monkey friend and the dancers.... And then I headed back to the ship...all by myself....:) Sometimes I surprise myself when I step up a bit passed my comfort level and all turns out well.... :)

Pretty hilltop statue of Christ of the Mercy overlooks the bay.

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