Wednesday, January 6, 2016

**Sea Days

Jan 6

Sea Day

Morning came too quickly as we lost an hour due to forwarding the clock an hour. I find this unnecessarily cruel for the first night at sea. The ship bounced around quite a bit at night which I LOVE, but only at night. It rocked enough that I wondered if I would stay in bed or end up on the floor. When we hit high winds and waves I find it best to just stay in bed and deal with (pray it will be over soon), enjoy the ride. Our capable Captain changed course to avoid the worst of it. The navigational channel showed our ship veering quite a bit off course to accommodate Mother Nature’s wrath …… Sometimes even the best of plans must be changed.… like life I guess. 

I woke early. David and I played the game “how do we store the scooter” so we could get around the room without having to avoid climbing over it or having it block the door, bathroom, closet, desk, bed or balcony… to no avail. We find many ways to amuse ourselves on this cruise.


“I think I’ve got it. “This will work” David announced …… fully believing he solved the problem. I had to be down on deck 7 to sign up for classes by 9 AM. I found myself getting lost on the ship. Where are the elevators? Which way is the sign up room, forward or aft? Where is the coffee shop? Shoot, too early, it was closed. I went to the front desk to ask for a pencil, then asked again for one with an eraser. I need erasers as I plan my day. At night when we get the Passages giving us a schedule for the next day I will circle 7 things that look like fun. When I wake in the morning, before I have my coffee, I cross off 5 and wonder if keeping 2 is too much…☺ I wandered about the ship some more trying to remember where everything is- walking aft then forward, getting off on the wrong floors and found myself in the Lido. Planning not to have breakfast on the ship this cruise , I made a “just this once” decision …. breakfast WITH my coffee, why not? .…

Another plan goes down the drain in the first 24 hours. I went to sign up for a computer class just to discover I already signed up for it yesterday. Then arrive at my class an hour early. Another cup of coffee is desperately needed I say to myself….. So I headed down to the now open coffee shop, one LARGE coffee, please. Although I circled Lecture at 11 (one of my two “will do today” plans I realized my computer class was also at 11 …. Oi….

 I registered for the Digital Film Making class which is 6 classes, meeting daily on sea days. After class I checked on David. He found a Trivia Team on his own and was very happy. David can be shy, so I sit next to him and get a team together for him…I look for smart people…or those that look smart, and ask them to join us. Trivia is not my game. If I can’t contribute I don’t want to play. One of the men said I could sit and just look beautiful…☺ Yea, I say but that only goes so far if I have no answers to contribute…

 David found a place for his scooter, he announced. We can park it on Deck 6….just below our cabin…. now, we almost have space to walk around the cabin ☺ David attended the lecture that I had to miss. Things are looking up. I am starting to relax. I am finally beginning to realize I am on vacation from all the stresses of the last few years☺ Now, my 4th “Before cruise plans” is broken….not to have lunch …. I don’t enjoy lunch…. I found myself in Lido once again. Don’t know how I got there. Everything looked sooo good…. What’s a girl to do?

After lunch, I watched the ocean, the patterns of the waves, and the ships on the same path as us…. so far away. I started to relax. Movie at 2….. I say to myself… keeping a mental note…. Will start my crafts……mental note 2,….. Too hard to even think about reading … starting to entertain the idea of sitting out at the pool…… Life is very very good I say to myself.

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