Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another Sea Day, Another Brunch

If you think a Sea Day gives us a break, think again. I hate to ask for sympathy knowing snow and ice storms are blanketing the East Coast, but this blog is about my life. It's all about ME. :) I attended a computer class in the morning. It was a basic class but I picked up a few pointers. I learned how to do shortcuts so when I type @@@ it brings up my email address so I don't have to type it whenever I need it. I learned how to cut and paste on the iPad. I also learned how to download articles to read later offline. After class, I went to a lecture while our room was being cleaned..... tough life, I know. The lecture I attended was by Sir Stephen Brown on Kim Dae Jung.


   Every segment they have a grand buffet. This was a Jazz Buffet Brunch.

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I was surprised that the food offered this time was different then the last buffet. I debated whether I wanted to eat or not and gave in to meet up with David after Trivia.

I then went to another 2 hour computer class. Once again, I was so lost. I could not find the contacts app on my iPad. After class a classmate showed me that it was in a folder, on the second page.  If you open a folder, look for the tiny white dots to see how many pages are in that folder. I forgot about the dots but after this, I learned a lesson and will forever know to look further then meets the eye. I took the contacts app out of this folder and put it on the home page so when I have my test next time, I will be ready! We learned about airplay in class. One of the men in class asks a lot of questions, the same confusion in his mind is in mine. I like him :). After a few questions about WHY do we have to know this....he turned to the class and asked "Who is confused?". It was a great moment. Every hand in class went up. At least I know it isn't just me all the time anyway.

 If you wanted to find Andy, I bet this would be a good place to start:

  P1080256 And LORI would be right next to him ...... :)

We had dinner in Silk, more sushi and my favorite Nobu box, David had salmon. We ate with another couple. P1080304

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He is a retired Judge. We found we had a lot in common and plan on doing more things together in the future. They collect Oriental Art too. We all went to the Magic Show after dinner. A new magician was on board. P1080309
They allow 20 people to go at a time so you are up front and personal. After that The Beatles performed a show. This is a tribute band from Liverpool. They preformed songs from 1962-1970, "Yesterday", "Let it Be', etc... Personally, I prefer the REAL Beatles. That was followed by a Sock Hop. We did not make the Sock Hop but heard it was well attended.

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Still tired and just feeling achey. David bought me a slew of meds, including Sucrets and Contac. China awaits!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely no sympathy from this quarter - sounds like you are having a lovely time....have they shown you how to do a search of your own ipad?
