Thursday, February 13, 2014

Osaka, too cold for sandals....


Goodbye Yokohama! We departed at 10 PM two nights ago. What a pretty view!

Thank goodness for a sea day after a port day. I woke up at 7AM to a nippy day. I had my usual latte and am now adding to my latte, the breakfast of Champions, Rice Crispies with a banana and a glass of fresh squeezed OJ. How can I resist?? Crystal even thinks to place a pair of scissors next to the tiny cereal boxes so people don't have to use their teeth to open the tiny boxes..... not that anyone would..... of course not, tacky tacky.

 My pilates this segment is scheduled for 10 AM. My new class is a quieter one this round with my friend Cindy heading home. We will meet again next year on the World Cruise. I find I am getting dizzy when we sit up on the reformer lately. Maybe it has something to do with the rocking of the ship? My reformer goes back and forth while the waves go up and down and the ship rocks left to right. Somehow, my brain must be trying to keep up with all the various movements at the same time.

At 11 I attended an iPad class on taking photos. Lunch at 12:30 with David followed in the dining room, chicken soup and ribs, yummmmm. Finally two more hours of computer at sea class. I got another B on a test. I don't see an A in my future, ever. Like, E V E R.....

I then came back to my room, watched the news got ready for dinner, went to the Cove to meet up with friends for a pre dinner drink, then went to dinner. Tonight I had a salad and broiled lobster with butter and a yummy parmesian risotto. We rented a movie Hiroshima which was really good and appropriate for all the places we have been, are, and will be in the next few days. All that in a day. So now you know ..... how I spent the day onboard.

I know you are all very interested in what woke me up in this morning, right? This morning I woke to the sound of a MARCHING BAND !!!!! playing "Stars and Stripes Forever" .........  on my balcony,  or so it seemed.

When I pulled open my the drapes this morning, this is what greeted me .... The ferris wheel is so close I could just jump on for a free ride, I think.  Waking up in a new port is never boring.

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Guess where we are today???????


And the answer is ...........

drum roll............

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Did you guess right?????     It is bitter cold today for us "read a book by the pool people", 39 degrees.

We originally were scheduled to do a full day tour to Kyoto but had to scale back to a panoramic bus tour of Osaka. It is always interesting to be given a quick tour of a new city. The panoramic tour gives you a quick (very quick) view, then you can decide if you want to come back someday or file places away and come back later in the day to further explore. Once again, this is a new port for us. The tour was 2 hours.

After the tour I headed for the free shuttle to town and David came back to the ship for lunch. I like Osaka. It feels like a city. Feels more upscale then Yokohama. It doesn't have that small town feel at all. There are modern buildings everywhere yet there is also the remains of an older Japan along the side streets. The best of both worlds.

Our plan of attack in Osaka .....with our adorable guide Miho. She was a delight.

We saw Osaka Castle, just the roof part.  We drove past the sky building........ We ventured past a Shinto Shrine, (we were told) and flew through the shopping district..... and lets see..... I think we saw
Tsutenkaku Tower.....

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Sky Tower ... quick shot from the bus window as we whizzed by. It is an interesting building. Looks
like a donut on top.


 Osaka Castle P1070828

 New tallest building ....this may be the tower.... will be open in March P1070785

 I didn't get a good picture of the Temple on the left side of the bus ...... :) Actually I deleted the photo because it was toooooo boring to keep. (Don't tell anyone)

 Shoot, I found it is...... P1070868

David seems to get a ton of attention, which he LOVES, about his scooter. I think it is better then a
puppy. Everyone asks, everyone turns around, he is a Rock Star.


 The real fun begins when I go out on my own. I love people watching. I love to explore. It was just getting out, being with people, local people, and just getting a feel for where I am. I am simple .... in a nice way. It was shopping without a goal and not wanting to buy a thing kind of day.

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 Tonight Caesar Salad and Weinerschnitzel!

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Movie after dinner is 12 Years a Slave - looking forward to seeing it.

Valentines Day tomorrow AND a sea day!

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